
Why is there no freedom without mistakes?
Global IndiaGold


Freedom of action is the path to personal growth.

Freedom is not only a fundamental human right, but also a key aspect for personal growth. In the world of entrepreneurship, it manifests itself as the ability to take action, take risks and express ideas without fear.

Most people want to be independent in their actions, but live in fear of making the wrong decision. The ability to make mistakes is often perceived by entrepreneurs as an unaffordable luxury. Yet to achieve success, even in business, determination is necessary.

Mistakes are an integral part of progress. For example, with their help, we can improve business development strategies. The main thing to remember is that mistakes can and should be learned from and used as an opportunity for growth.

This does not mean you always need to take ill-considered risks, but you definitely should not constrain yourself in action and be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. After all, according to the famous expression, fortune favours the bold.

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes,” said Mahatma Gandhi.


However, how can one stop being afraid of making mistakes and become truly free?

  • Look at the situation from a different perspective

Every entrepreneur has resources, knowledge and skills in a specific area. Therefore, if at some point something goes wrong, you need to give yourself the right to make a mistake — as a way of gaining the necessary experience. Every successful individual allows himself/herself to gain experience through failure.

  • Learn to understand and control emotions

The influence of negative emotions on decisions is significant. Therefore, it is important to tell yourself in time that anxiety and bad mood are temporary. Don’t blame yourself for making a mistake — it’s unproductive.

  • “What’s the worst that could happen?” technique

If some situation causes a panicky fear of error, you should ask yourself the question: “What will happen if I don’t succeed?” Describe several scenarios for the development of the situation. Create an action plan for each of them. Fear will be overcome and tension will go away, and you will clearly understand that you are ready to deal with any problem.

Whether it’s investing or direct selling, entrepreneurship requires the ability to overcome fears. For example, if you have been thinking about investing your savings in assets for a long time, but are afraid to take the first step, it is worth remembering that there is no apparent reason for concern. However, your fear does not allow you to start realising your plans. Just imagine that after a while you may begin to regret that back in the day, you did not achieve what you wanted. Or, conversely, you can overcome fear and get what you have long dreamed of.

The head of Reliance Industries Limited Mukesh Ambani said: “The important thing which I’ve really learned is how do you not give up, because you never succeed in the first attempt.”

Don’t be afraid to take the first step — it can lead to the fulfilment of your dreams. In order to find tools that will help you achieve your goals, read our previous articles.

In conclusion, the freedom to make a mistake is not just a right, but a privilege that can often benefit a business. And entrepreneurs who act decisively and are not afraid to make the wrong decision most often become true leaders.


You can learn how to become a real leader by reading one of the previous articles:

Become the leader that people want to follow

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Published: 24.04.2024
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